Short Melody No. 36 Raging Viola
When I was sitting in the audience, a viola player came onto the stage. She seemed calm and collected, but when starting to play, she turned wild, bowing like a maniac. The darker side of this beautiful instrument inspired me to write this etude.
In the following video, the music has been automatically generated by the software of MuseScore. Actually, it sounds not bad at all... However, when performing the music by yourself, please use your feelings.
Sheet Music
For the full musical score, please go to Short Melody No. 36 on my MuseScore account.
'Short Melody No. 36' by Huug Verschuijl is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Mariska van Berkel
Wow Huug. The dark side..ja dat klinkt erin. Mooi en ook een beetje beangstigend.
Huug Verschuijl
Dank je! Soms floept er opeens zo'n stuk uit... en dan weet ik ook niet waar het vandaan komt. Maar het leek me wel iets voor viool (altviool in dit geval).